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Handler is a special base class defining what will happen when a LogRecord is captured. You can initialize and add multiple handlers to a logger. There are many built-in Handlers such as ConsoleHandler, which prints LogRecords to the console or FileHandler, which appends log records to a file.

How to Add Handler

TelegramHandler is a handler that takes LogRecord and sends it to a chat. You can initialize it as below:

from tglogger.handler import TelegramHandler
import logging

handler = TelegramHandler(
    level=logging.ERROR,  # default value

# then add handler to logger


You can also set TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN and TELEGRAM_RECEIVER environment variables instead of manually adding bot_token and receiver to TelegramHandler initialization.


Formatter is a special base class generating a log message from a LogRecord.

How to Set Formatter

TelegramFormatter is a formatter that takes LogRecord and generates a message specific to Telegram.

from tglogger.formatter import TelegramFormatter

formatter = TelegramFormatter()

# set formatter on handler

The Message Format

The message format is as below:

*Logger Name:* {logger_name}
*System Date:* {system_date} ({zone})
*Level:* #{level_name}
*Path and Line:* _{path}_:{lineno}
*Function/Method:* _{func_name}_
*Thread ID and Name:* [{thread_id}] {thread_name}
*Process ID and Name:* [{process_id}] {process_name}

  • Banner Hashtag (#tglogger): Each message has #tglogger banner hashtag so that you can filter only log messages in a chat.
  • uuid_hex: It is a unique ID of a LogRecord. This is especially useful when you want to filter a LogRecord's general info and stack trace message.
  • logger_name: The name of the logger where the LogRecord is received from.
  • system_date: The date of the system. It uses django.utils.timezone if DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable is set, or uses standard library if it is not set.
  • zone: If DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is set and USE_TZ is True, the TIME_ZONE is shown, else it just shows "No Timezone".
  • level_name: It is a hashtag so that you can filter based on log level of LogRecord.
  • path: The Python file absolute path where the LogRecord is captured.
  • line: The line where the LogRecord is captured.
  • func_name: The function or method where the LogRecord is captured.
  • thread_id: The ID of the thread.
  • thread_name: The name of the thread.
  • process_id: The ID of the process.
  • process_name: The name of the process.

General Setup

General Setup consists of the steps below:

  1. Grab a logging.Logger instance.
  2. Create a tglogger.handler.TelegramHandler instance.
  3. Create a tglogger.handler.TelegramFormatter instance.
  4. Set formatter of the TelegramHandler instance.
  5. Add handler to the Logger instance.

An implementation for general purpose is as below:

import logging
from tglogger.handler import TelegramHandler
from tglogger.formatter import TelegramFormatter

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # (1)
# you already have TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN and TELEGRAM_RECEIVER environment variables
handler = TelegramHandler()  # (2)
formatter = TelegramFormatter()  # (3)
handler.setFormatter(formatter)  # (4)
logger.addHandler(handler)  # (5)

Sending Logs

Regular Logs

Any level above ERROR will be sent to chat.

logger.error("foo")"bar")  # no message will be sent

Regular Log Message

You can change this behavior by setting level of your handler on initialization or later on.

# after creation
handler.setLevel(logging.INFO)  # info and above

# or when you create
handler = TelegramHandler(level=logging.INFO)


You might want to check bot request throttling on Telegram.

Log Messages with Meta Info

In some occasions, tglogger sends a zip file attached to the message. This zip file is generated when an exception is captured or DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE is set.

This generated zip file, for now, only contains stack trace about exception. However, it is planned to contain information about Django settings and request information as well.

Normally, logger captures the exception under an except block as below:

    1 / 0  # cannot divide by 0, will fail
except ZeroDivisionError:
    logger.exception("Divided by zero.")  # or any message you'd like
    # as you can see, we do not pass either instance or class of ZeroDivisionError
    # logger obtains it itself

Then we receive meta zip as attached to a log message.

Meta Message


Capturing exception behavior is wrapped in Django. If your Django application raises Exception on runtime, you will receive stacktrace.
